freiberufler Senior VR Developer and Data Scientist auf

Senior VR Developer and Data Scientist

zuletzt online vor wenigen Tagen
  • auf Anfrage
  • 80809 München
  • Europa
  • de  |  en
  • 01.06.2024


• 5 years of valuable VR development experience
• 20+ years of profound experience in software development and operation
• passion for technology and automation
• data scientist and AI enthusiast
• deep understanding of human behavior


  • Automatisierungstechnik (allg.)
  • Datenanalyse
  • Mathematik
  • Psychologie (allg.)
  • Softwareentwicklung (allg.)

Über mich

I am a highly skilled and motivated IT professional with a strong background in software development, mathematics, and psychology. I bring over two decades of hands-on experience in various technical domains, complemented by a deep understanding of human behavior. Driven by a passion for technology and automation, I excel in optimizing teams and developing innovative solutions.

Weitere Kenntnisse

- Software Development:
Successful establishment of a Virtual-Reality-Laboratory and VR procedures.
Expertise in big data, high-performance databases, and client-server frameworks.
Strong problem-solving and coding skills, with a focus on high throughput and real-time applications.

- Data Science and AI:
Experienced data scientist with a focus on psychophysiological data and neurobiological studies.
Proficiency in high-dimensional data analysis using frequentist and Bayesian statistics.
Design and training of AI models for human posture classification.

- Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurial mindset, demonstrated by self-employment and innovative projects like the audio box for visually impaired individuals and the fully automatic small greenhouse.
Ability to develop business plans and marketable products based on research.

- Communication and Education:
Effective communicator with the ability to convey complex technical concepts.
Experience in conducting courses and supporting colleagues in software developmenr and data analysis.
Proven track record in team optimization, project management, and strategy development.

- Psychology and Human Behavior:
Ph.D. in psychology with a specialization in fear behavior in virtual reality.
Deep understanding of human psychology and behavior, enabling unique insights in software design and user experience.

- Technical Proficiency:
Programming Languages: Unity 3D, C#, Java, C/C++, Matlab, Python, R, SQL
Tools: Jira, Confluence, Jenkins, Git, Docker, Tensorflow, MySQL, Oracle DB, IoT and Tizen expertise
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Europäische Union
23 Jahre und 11 Monate (seit 07/2000)


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