freiberufler Ergebnisfokussierter Strategie-, Operations-, Marketing- und Managementberater auf

Ergebnisfokussierter Strategie-, Operations-, Marketing- und Managementberater

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  • 30.04.2024


Ich bin ein erfahrener, kompetenter, motivierter Unternehmer und selbstständiger Unternehmensberater mit umfassender Projektmanagement-Expertise.
Ich helfe B2B- und B2C-Unternehmen, ihre Projektziele zu erreichen und messbare Ergebnisse zu liefern.


  • Data Mining
  • Data Science
  • Datawarehouse / DWH
  • Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB)
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • IT-Governance
  • Microsoft Power BI
  • MS Excel
  • Oracle Database
  • PMO
  • Projektmanagement
  • Prozessmanagement
  • Prozessoptimierung
  • Python
  • SQL

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

PMO Lead - Data Science & Data Governance
Kundenname anonymisiert, Frankfurt am Main
6/2023 – offen (1 Jahr, 1 Monat)

6/2023 – offen


As a PMO Lead focused on data science and data governance for a leading global banking institution, I play a critical role in enhancing the bank's regulatory compliance through technical execution and data-driven delivery. My responsibilities include coordinating project management and implementing rigorous data engineering and stewardship practices that are critical to maintaining the bank's market leadership and regulatory compliance.
Key achievements:
- Managed a task force to improve data quality and governance in line with regulatory requirements. Led cross-regional collaboration from Singapore to London, synthesising complex data requirements and driving delivery of remediation. Coordinated with senior management to drive strategic initiatives, balancing RTB operations with CTB projects.
- Developed comprehensive project plans for complex data analysis initiatives, integrating regulatory IT systems with custom data architectures. Optimised complex SQL queries for efficient data manipulation and aggregation in high-volume transactional databases.
- Enhanced data processing using advanced Excel features such as pivot tables, VLOOKUP, macros (VBA) and Python, streamlining data analysis and significantly increasing productivity by automating routine RTB tasks and improving CTB strategy execution.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Data Mining, Data Science, Datawarehouse / DWH, IT-Governance, Microsoft Power BI, Oracle Database, Python, SQL

PMO – Operations & Reporting
Kundenname anonymisiert, Berlin
2/2022 – 6/2023 (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)

2/2022 – 6/2023


As an operations and reporting PMO, I have played a key role in supporting major projects for both an automotive supplier and the risk department of a major bank. My responsibilities include stakeholder communication and deadline management, while improving internal processes and applying data science techniques to optimise business operations.
Key achievements:
- Developed and implemented comprehensive project plans, introduced new project management software and wrote a Python API script to automate the transformation of CRM system data into PowerBI reports.
- Led the development of a real-time BI dashboard that provided up-to-the-minute insights and data visualisations that saved significant manpower each month by eliminating manual research and data entry, thereby accelerating project deliverables and timelines.
- Provided critical support with project documentation and progress tracking, consistently exceeding expectations through a strong work ethic, meticulous attention to detail and proactive problem-solving approach, thereby improving team collaboration and productivity across multiple projects.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Business Intelligence (BI), Microsoft Power BI, Python, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), MS Excel, Management (allg.)

Management Consultant & Project Lead
Kundenname anonymisiert, Moscow
9/2018 – 2/2022 (3 Jahre, 6 Monate)

9/2018 – 2/2022


As a freelance management consultant, I have leveraged my industry knowledge and procedural expertise to deliver significant results for various clients. My work includes ensuring tax compliance, assisting with corporate restructuring, and designing and implementing data-driven solutions to help clients achieve their business goals. I have initiated, negotiated, and delivered numerous projects that have significantly improved client business outcomes.
Key achievements:
- Used data analytics to restructure the business units of a software development company, significantly reducing tax liabilities by €300,000 and implementing a staff outsourcing strategy that reduced payroll costs by 27%. Acted as primary contact for tax and statutory audit matters, ensuring full compliance with government regulations.
- Implemented strategies for a trucking company that reduced staff costs by over 30%, supported expansion into the Central Russian region, and increased the annual depreciation rate of the truck fleet by 15%. Used Excel, Python and SQL to extract and analyse client financial data and assisted with an unscheduled VAT audit, ensuring smooth negotiations with tax authorities.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Finanzanalyse, Finanzberatung, Data Science, Business Intelligence (BI), Data Mining, Microsoft Power BI, Business Analyse, Business Development, Business Model Innovation

Product Owner
Kundenname anonymisiert, Moscow
10/2017 – 8/2018 (11 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

10/2017 – 8/2018


As Product Owner, I led the development and delivery of a learning path program in Audit, Assurance, and Fraud Investigation with a strong focus on Data Analytics. I played a key role in the strategic direction of the program, using agile methods to improve delivery and efficiency. I worked closely with the marketing and leadership teams, using predictive analytics and real-time data insights to ensure the program's success. This collaboration led to the graduation of five cohorts, totaling around 150 students, who gained the practical and theoretical knowledge needed to excel in regulatory compliance and financial data analytics.
Key achievements:
- Developed and implemented a comprehensive training module on financial data analysis, discrepancy identification, transaction monitoring and sanctions screening. Leveraged expertise in KYC, AML and CDD to enhance learning and improve student outcomes in compliance-related data operations.
- Introduced rigorous coursework in IFRS, US GAAP and IAS, along with extensive modules in managerial and financial accounting. This curriculum equipped students with the skills to make strategic decisions based on financial data and an understanding of global accounting practices.
- Proactively managed product metrics, including financial performance and customer satisfaction, using sophisticated data analytics. This oversight facilitated a 40% reduction in student churn and maintained a 75% course completion rate, demonstrating effective programme management.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Product Owner, Projekt-Qualitätssicherung, Projekt - Start-Up-Workshop, Projektleitung / Teamleitung

Audit Assistant (Festanstellung)
Kundenname anonymisiert, Hamburg
9/2014 – 10/2017 (3 Jahre, 2 Monate)

9/2014 – 10/2017


As an audit assistant, I gained valuable experience in audit, tax and compliance matters. I conducted financial statement audits under various regulatory requirements, prepared tax returns, and performed audit procedures within S&P 500 companies and investment vehicles under various regulatory frameworks. My responsibilities included the preparation of reports that required an in-depth understanding of financial regulations and reporting standards. Overall, I contributed to ensuring compliance and identifying potential issues in the financial statements and internal control systems.

Key achievements:
- Conducted audits of German GAAP, US GAAP and IFRS financial statements, including internal control systems and processes, and performed financial due diligence.
- Performed mandatory audit procedures under German securities laws, SOX, SEC, and NYSE compliance requirements.
- Prepared HNWI tax returns, interacted directly with tax authorities and investigated potential tax exemptions under double taxation treaties.
- Conducted audits of closed-end investment vehicles in relation to UCITS, AIFMD, EMIR, the Investment Act, and the Money Laundering Act.
- Prepared reports in accordance with IDW S4 Prospectus Opinion.

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Finanzanalyse, Finanzbuchhaltung, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Python, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), MS Excel, Auditor


Business Administration mit Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftsprüfung und Steuerberatung
Bachelor of Science

Über mich

Ich helfe B2B- und B2C-Unternehmen, ihre Projektziele zu erreichen und messbare Ergebnisse zu liefern. Eine meiner Stärken ist meine Erfahrung in IT und Big4, einschließlich Geschäftsverständnis, Vertriebspipeline, Projektrealisierung und Projektsteuerung.
Auf der Ebene der Soft Skills möchte ich meine direkte, transparente, faire und zielorientierte Kommunikation mit allen Entscheidungsträgern und Mitarbeitern hervorheben.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Technische Fähigkeiten: Professioneller Nutzer von MS Word/Excel/Powerpoint, grundlegende SQL- Kenntnisse, grundlegende VBA-Kenntnisse, grundlegende Grafikdesignkenntnisse (Figma, Canva), professionelle Recherchekompetenz, grundlegendes Verständnis vom maschinellen Lernen.

Rechtliche, steuerliche und buchhalterische Fähigkeiten: HGB, Russian GAAP, IFRS, US-GAAP, Deutsches BGB, Russisches BGB, Deutsches Steuerrecht, Russisches Steuerrecht, Portugiesisches BGB.

Management Fähigkeiten: Vorausschauende Planung und Ausführung, What-Can-Go-Wrong Analyse and Prävention, Delegierung von Aufgaben an professionelle Ausführende, Verantwortungsbewusstsein, Befürworter offener Feedbackkultur.

Soft Skills: Arbeiten unter Stressbedingungen, Agieren in einem unbekannten Umfeld, ziel- und lösungsorientiertes Denken, hervorragende Präsentations- und Verkaufsfähigkeiten, kooperative und integrative Denkweise, Auge für wesentliche Details, Fixierung auf effektive und kosteneffiziente Lösungen, realistischer Optimist, lebenslanger Lerner.

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Russisch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Französisch (Grundkenntnisse)
  • Europäische Union
9 Jahre und 9 Monate (seit 09/2014)
6 Jahre


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